Custom template

Custom templates can be used with create and dump command if option --template is set. Template is simple text file where the migration structure is set. Default template looks like this:


###NAMESPACE###use Phoenix\Migration\AbstractMigration;

class ###CLASSNAME### extends AbstractMigration
###INDENT###protected function up(): void

###INDENT###protected function down(): void

As you can see, there are some special tokens which can be used: - ###NAMESPACE### - if migration name uses namespace, this token is replaced with string namespace MigrationNamespace;, if there is no namespace in migration name, this token is simply removed - ###CLASSNAME### - this token is replaced with migration class name - ###INDENT### - replaced with indentation, which can be set by option -i, --indent=INDENT. Default value is 4 spaces. Other possible values are: 2 spaces, 3 spaces, tab - ###UP### - replaced with up migration commands (in create command this is just replaced with 2 indentations) - ###DOWN### - replaced with down migration commands (in create command this is just replaced with 2 indentations)