
You can create index in migration where new table is created.

// create table with index
    ->addColumn('username', 'string')
    ->addColumn('password', 'string')
    ->addColumn('created_at', 'datetime')
    ->addColumn('updated_at', 'datetime')
    ->addColumn('another_column', 'integer')
    ->addIndex('username', 'unique')

Or add index to an existing table same way:

// create table
    ->addColumn('username', 'string')
    ->addColumn('password', 'string')
    ->addColumn('created_at', 'datetime')
    ->addColumn('updated_at', 'datetime')
    ->addColumn('another_column', 'integer')

// add index
    ->addIndex('username', 'unique')

You can also specify few settings to index columns - length and order:

// create table
    ->addColumn('username', 'string')
    ->addColumn('password', 'string')
    ->addColumn('created_at', 'datetime')
    ->addColumn('updated_at', 'datetime')
    ->addColumn('another_column', 'integer')
    ->addIndex(new \Phoenix\Database\Element\IndexColumn('username', ['length' => 10]), 'unique')
    ->addIndex([new \Phoenix\Database\Element\IndexColumn('created_at', ['order' => 'DESC']), new \Phoenix\Database\Element\IndexColumn('updated_at', ['order' => 'ASC'])])

order allows specify ascending (ASC) or descending DESC index value storage. This setting works with PostgreSQL and MySQL >= 8.0.0, you can use it in older versions but they are ignored

length setting allows you to set which part of string is used in index. It works with both MySQL and PostgreSQL - MySQL adapter uses native way of implementation and PostgreSQL uses SUBSTRING function.